Great Resume and the Formula to Making One

a hiring manager reading a great resume

Great resumes are hard to define. In fact, we would never know how effective our personal summary is until we send it and hear it straight from a hiring manager.

But if you are thinking twice about your resume, you could check on certain qualities that assure an excellent application and secure a job interview. Review your copy using the following questions below:

Is it relevant to your target job?
First, you need to be sure about the job you’re aiming. Apart from placing a career tag or specific job title, add industry-relevant keywords, too. Focus on meeting the job requirements and matching your skills to the vacant post.

Is your copy concise?
How many pages does your resume have? If you’re applying for a federal post or any managerial position, two or more pages will work. But if you’re going in for an entry-level post and competing against a hundred of rivals, reduce your information into a single page.

Is it factual?
Include factual statistics and data to justify your skills. Will you let hiring managers make guesses? Of course not. Give them exact details; otherwise, they might assume you’re lying or hiding something from them.

Is it error-free?
Hiring managers get disappointed with documents that contain tons of grammatical and typographical errors. So make sure you avoid these errors and edit your copy before sending it.

Do you have a LinkedIn profile?
Employers, these days, turn to the Internet, including LinkedIn, to gather more information on your activities, accomplishments, and connections. Create one and keep it decent.

Is your resume’s layout attractive?
A creative and clean layout can help convince a recruiter to read the entirety of your summary. It will not only draw interest from hiring managers but will make your contents readable, too.

Does it come with a cover letter?
Attach a cover letter each time you send your piece to an employer. Use it to your advantage and include details that you find unsuitable to put on your resume.

Are you having difficulties creating your own? Resume Valley can help you create a great resume! Visit for more info.

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